Thursday, August 14, 2014

Review: Day Fifteen

Gotta make this one shorter than the others. My life outside PTA school is about to become a speck of what it once was. I'll have time to keep up the blog but probably not much. Weekend articles may get smaller, but hopefully nonetheless interesting for you folks to read. Usually they take about an hour to research (including APA citation; I'll get better at that as I go) and roughly 30-45 minutes to type. Might be cutting my overall content by about a third, so it all takes an hour. We'll see! If I have time, my best use of it will be putting my face between the pages.

Got most of my books today, save one. I have to order that one online. It's a lab book though, so I probably won't need it during the first week anyway.

So long for now. Got some muscles to work out before hitting the books again.


  1. I don't know if it will help, but if you have access to Word 2013 it has some killer tools for creating citations. It has saved me so much time! (I still haven't figured out how to actually utilize reference-importing/exporting tools like EndNote, etc, however, which would save even more effort.)

  2. I don't have a legit copy of Word itself but I do have OpenOffice (latest update) which supposedly has those as well. I'll be sure to look into it. I just like the idea of being able to do it myself since I'll have to anyway, you know?
